Meetings & Events

Meetings & Events

As an ISM member, you’ll benefit from our local chapter and ISM Global community. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from the extended expertise brought by our local and global network of partners.

Please visit the Education Calendar for the full list of upcoming events.

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2025 Procurement Agenda and Key Priorities

2024 has been a year where Procurement’s priority shifted significantly to cost reduction in an effort to enable their organizations concerns over broader economic health. But it has also been a year where broad-based awareness of the impact of Generative AI on the procurement operating model became more entrenched. Looking forward to 2025, how will procurement teams prepare for success?

Join this session to gain insights into Hackett’s recently published 2025 Procurement Key Priorities research covering the following areas.

  • Key trends that will have a transformational impact on the procurement agenda over the next five years.
  • 2025 key objectives and transformation plans for procurement organizations.
  • Projected changes in procurement workloads, staffing levels, operating budgets, and technology spending.
  • Expected trends in procurement including operating model and analytics.
  • The use of generative AI and technology to enable procurement capabilities.





Member Only

Getting Started with Supply Chain Design

With FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) embroiling global supply chains, leaders must be proactive and intentional in assessing their supply chains and designing them for the future. But how to start? Ralph Asher of Data Driven Supply Chain LLC will discuss how to get started in supply chain design and answer common questions. This talk will equip organizations to embark on their supply chain design journey, future-proof their supply chains, and build competitive moats.

This session will dive into addressing the following questions:

  • How does supply chain design differ from supply chain planning and optimization?
  • What are some of the strategic questions that we can answer with supply chain design?
  • What data do we need to get started in supply chain design? (Hint: much less than you may think!)
  • How do we measure ROI in supply chain design projects?
  • Should we build an internal team or use consultants for supply chain design projects?
  • Commercial software vs. open-source software: what are the pros and cons for supply chain design?





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Quarterly State of Risk Update

Join the executive leaders from ISM and Resilinc as they come together as part of a quarterly series to discuss the latest and emerging risks and disruptions impacting global supply chains. ISM CEO Tom Derry and Resilinc CEO Bindiya Vakil will also provide insights based on respective data and research from both organizations.
