Chapter News

ISM—Arizona, Inc. is looking for volunteers. Volunteering has many great benefits from leadership development to continuing education, personal growth to network building. Join the team and let's support our profession. Submit the online form and get involved today! 



Recognizing the Best & Brightest in Our Profession

As the professional association for procurement and supply chain professionals, ISM recognizes the brightest examples among us in our profession. From those studying supply management principles in universities to seasoned professionals at the pinnacle of their career, we offer award and scholarship programs to support and celebrate professional accomplishments.

J. Shipman Gold Medal Award

ISM’s 30 Under 30 Supply Chain Stars

Richter Scholarship & Award

Volunteer with ISM—Arizona

Looking to get involved with ISM—Arizona? Interested in joining the chapter board, being a presenter or trainer?

Contact Us for more information!

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